
Java Programming Tips|Java Programming Tips
July 13, 2023
11 mins

5 Time-Saving Java Programming Tips you need to follow in 2023


The struggle of trying to write efficient and clean code while also saving time and maintaining your sanity is real! Hence, all coders are always in search of time-saving Java programming tips and tricks. And why shouldn’t they? They are literally coding day in and day out just to find out the bug with no clue. From clever shortcuts to handy libraries, we'll explore all the secrets of the Java universe.Here’s something that could be your virtual coffee!

5 Time-Saving Java Programming Tips and Tricks

Utilizing Code Templates:

Take advantage of code templates or snippets provided by your IDE. Create your own custom templates for frequently used code patterns, reducing manual typing and increasing efficiency.Many third-party apps offer pre-built IDE code snippets or templates that can be easily inserted into your code. These templates provide a quick and convenient way to implement commonly used code patterns, saving developers from having to manually type out repetitive code. In addition to the pre-existing templates, developers can also create their own custom templates for code snippets they frequently use. This allows for even greater time savings and consistency in coding practices. By taking advantage of code templates, developers can streamline their workflow, reduce errors, and focus more on the core logic of their programs.

Optimizing Imports:

Use your IDE's "Organize Imports" feature to remove unused imports and sort the remaining ones automatically. Keeping your import statements clean and minimalistic enhances code readability.By keeping your import statements clean and minimalistic, you enhance the overall readability of your code. Having a clutter-free import section makes it easier for developers to quickly identify which external dependencies are being utilized in the codebase, leading to improved code maintenance and collaboration. So, take advantage of your IDE's built-in functionality to optimize your imports and ensure that your code remains concise and easily understandable.

Leveraging Auto-Formatting:

Let your IDE handle code formatting. Configure your formatting preferences, and with a simple key combination, watch your code transform into a beautifully structured masterpiece.This not only saves you time and effort but also helps to create a visually appealing and easily readable codebase. Auto-formatting transforms your code into a beautifully structured masterpiece, making it easier for you and others to understand, debug, and maintain.

Reaping Advantage of Debugger:

Debugging is a powerful tool for understanding and fixing issues in your code. Learn how to set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through your code to identify and squash bugs swiftly.This can be extremely helpful in understanding how your code is behaving and pinpointing the source of any errors or unexpected behavior. Additionally, stepping through your code line by line allows you to track the flow of execution and catch any logic errors or inconsistencies.

Utilizing Version Control:

Git, SVN, or any version control system becomes your best friend. Track changes, collaborate with teammates, and roll back to previous versions when things go away.Version control allows developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously, keeping track of each change made by different team members. This makes it easier to merge changes seamlessly and avoid conflicts. Moreover, version control systems provide a complete history of the project, allowing developers to easily revert to a previous version if needed.

Bottom Line

Remember, becoming a proficient Java programmer takes time and continuous learning. By applying the aforementioned tips and tricks, you improve your coding efficiency, produce high-quality software, and excel in your Java programming journey.For more such information, stay tuned with Consultadd. You can also drop in your queries to our mail.

Cloud Computing||Cloud Computing Security Risks|Cloud Computing Salary|Cloud Computing Career
June 14, 2023
11 mins

The Future of Cloud Computing: Trends and Predictions 2023


The future of cloud computing is looking brighter than ever, and not just because it's up in the sky! With more and more businesses moving their operations to the cloud, we can expect to see some pretty wild trends and predictions. Some of the real trends we can expect to see include increased use of AI and machine learning on cloud systems, as well as more emphasis on security and privacy. And who knows? Maybe one day we'll even be able to upload our consciousness to the cloud and live forever as a digital entity. Okay, maybe that one's a bit far-fetched, but you never know what the future holds!

Cloud Computing Platforms

Cloud Computing Platforms

Cloud computing platforms are like the superheroes of the tech world. The platforms have revolutionized the way businesses store, process, and access data. These platforms provide on-demand access to a shared pool of computing resources, including servers, storage, applications, and services. They offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional IT infrastructure. Cloud computing platforms are classified into three categories (based on service models):

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS),
  • Software as a Service (SaaS).

IaaS provides virtualized computing resources over the internet, such as virtual machines and storage. PaaS offers a development platform that enables users to create customized applications without managing the underlying infrastructure. SaaS delivers software applications over the internet that are managed by third-party providers. Some of the leading cloud computing platforms include:

These platforms have transformed the IT landscape by enabling businesses to innovate faster while reducing costs and improving efficiency.

What Are The Security Risks Of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Security Risks

One of the primary concerns with cloud computing is data security. When sensitive data is stored on a third-party server, there is always a risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. This risk is amplified if the data is not properly encrypted or secured by strong passwords. Additionally, cloud service providers may not always have robust backup and disaster recovery plans in place, leaving businesses vulnerable to data loss due to natural disasters or cyber-attacks. It is crucial for businesses to carefully evaluate their cloud service provider's security measures and ensure that they have appropriate safeguards in place to protect their data. By taking these precautions, businesses can enjoy the benefits of cloud computing while minimizing their exposure to potential security threats.

Cloud Computing Salary

Cloud Computing Salary

Cloud computing is a rapidly growing field with a high demand for skilled professionals. As such, salaries for cloud computing professionals have been steadily increasing over the years. According to recent surveys, the average salary for cloud computing professionals in the United States ranges from $80,000 to $150,000 per year, depending on factors such as experience, education, and job title. In addition to base salaries, many cloud computing professionals also receive bonuses and other incentives based on their performance and contributions to their organizations. With the continued growth of cloud computing technology and the increasing importance of data management and security in today's digital landscape, it is likely that salaries in this field will continue to rise in the coming years.

Disadvantages Of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its convenience and cost-effectiveness. However, it is important to also consider the potential disadvantages of this technology. One major drawback is the issue of security and privacy. Storing sensitive data in the cloud can make it vulnerable to hacks or breaches, which could lead to significant financial and reputational damage for businesses. Additionally, reliance on a third-party cloud provider means that businesses may have less control over their own data and operations. Another potential disadvantage is the risk of service disruption or downtime, which could significantly impact business operations. There may be concerns around compatibility with legacy systems or applications, which could require additional investments in infrastructure or IT support. As with any technology, it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding whether cloud computing is right for your business needs.

Will AI Replace Cloud Computing?

Well, if we're talking about a literal replacement where AI becomes the boss and cloud computing gets fired, then I'm afraid we're in for a long wait. AI and cloud computing are two very different things with their own unique strengths and applications. Cloud computing is all about storing and accessing data remotely, while AI is focused on simulating human intelligence and decision-making. So while there may be some overlap in terms of how these technologies are used, it's unlikely that one will completely replace the other anytime soon. Unless, of course, the robots rise up and take over everything – but that's a topic for another day!

Is Cloud Computing A Good Career In 2023

Cloud Computing Career

Well, let me get out my crystal ball and consult with the cloud computing gods... Oh wait, I'm just an AI language model and don't have a crystal ball. But if we look at current trends, it seems that cloud computing will continue to be a hot career field in 2023 and beyond. With more and more companies shifting their operations to the cloud, there will be plenty of opportunities for skilled professionals to make their mark. So if you're considering a career in cloud computing, go ahead and take the leap!


It looks like the future of cloud computing is going to be......cloudy! Yes, that's right, we predict that there will be lots of clouds in the digital realm. Cloud computing is set to continue its upward trajectory as more and more businesses move their operations online. With the rise of remote work and the need for flexible solutions, cloud computing is poised to become an even bigger player in the tech world. So whether you're a fan of fluffy white clouds or the virtual kind, one thing is certain: the future is looking bright for cloud computing.

Containerization And Virtualization
May 16, 2023
11 mins

Containerization vs Virtualization: Technical Differences DevOps Engineer Should Know


Containerization and virtualization are like twins - they look similar, but they have different personalities. Containerization is like the outgoing sibling who loves to go out and party, while virtualization is the introverted one who prefers to stay in and read a book. Containerization vs Virtualization, let's have a look at the technical differences between them.When it comes to technical differences, DevOps should know that containerization is more lightweight than virtualization. It allows for more efficient use of resources and faster startup times. Virtualization, on the other hand, provides greater isolation between applications and operating systems. It's like having your own personal bubble where you can do whatever you want without anyone interfering. Virtualization involves creating a virtual machine that runs on top of a physical server, whereas containerization involves encapsulating an application and its dependencies into a single package that can be run anywhere. So, whether you prefer dancing with containers or cozying up with virtual machines, understanding their technical differences helps you choose the right tool for your DevOps needs.

Technical Differences: Containerization vs Virtualization

Containerization and virtualization are two popular technologies used by DevOps. While they share some similarities, there are also some key technical differences between the two.Virtualization involves creating a virtual version of an operating system or application within a physical server. This allows multiple operating systems or applications to run on a single physical server, which can save space and resources. Each virtual machine has its own virtual hardware, including CPU, memory, and storage.Containerization, is a method of packaging an application along with all its dependencies into a single unit called a container. Unlike virtual machines, containers share the host operating system's kernel and resources. This makes them more lightweight compared to virtual machines and allows for faster startup times.Another key difference between containerization and virtualization is that containers are designed to be stateless and disposable, whereas virtual machines typically have persistent storage. This means that containers can be easily created and destroyed as needed, making them ideal for scaling applications up or down quickly.

Advantages Of Containerization

Containerization is a method of software development and deployment that involves packaging an application along with all its dependencies into a single container. This approach offers several advantages over traditional methods of software development.One major advantage is portability - containers can be easily moved between different environments without requiring any changes to the underlying technology stack. They also provide a consistent runtime environment, which helps to eliminate issues related to differences in operating systems or dependencies.Containers are lightweight and efficient, allowing for faster deployment and scaling of applications. They also offer improved security by isolating applications from one another and from the host system. With these benefits, it's no wonder that containerization has become a popular choice for modern software development and deployment.

Advantages Of Virtualization

Virtualization is a technology that allows multiple virtual operating systems to run on a single physical server. This approach offers numerous advantages, including increased efficiency, improved flexibility, and enhanced security.By running multiple virtual servers on a single physical server, businesses can reduce their hardware costs and energy consumption while also simplifying their IT infrastructure. Virtualization also makes it easier to manage IT resources by allowing administrators to allocate resources dynamically based on changing demand.Additionally, virtualization provides an extra layer of security by isolating workloads from one another, making it more difficult for attackers to compromise the entire system. Overall, virtualization is an essential technology for businesses looking to improve their IT operations while also reducing costs and improving security.

Use Cases For Containerization And Virtualization

Containerization is particularly useful for deploying microservices-based architectures, where each service can be packaged as a container and managed independently. This approach allows for faster deployment times, better resource utilization, and easier scaling of individual services.Virtualization, on the other hand, is often used for legacy applications that require their own operating system instances or for environments where isolation between different workloads is critical. It can also be useful for creating development and testing environments that closely mirror production environments.

How DevOps Engineers Can Leverage Containerization And Virtualization To Optimize Their Workflows

DevOps Engineers can leverage containerization and virtualization to optimize their workflows in many ways. Containerization allows for the creation of isolated environments that can be easily deployed and managed, making it an ideal solution for deploying applications quickly and efficiently. By using containers, DevOps engineers can ensure that their applications are running consistently across different environments, which is essential for maintaining reliable and scalable systems.Virtualization, on the other hand, enables multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine. This means that DevOps engineers can test their applications on multiple operating systems without having to invest in additional hardware. Moreover, virtualization allows for the creation of virtual machines that can be used for testing and development purposes, which helps speed up the process of software development.Together, containerization and virtualization provide DevOps engineers with powerful tools for optimizing their workflows. By using these technologies, they can create more efficient and reliable systems while also reducing costs and increasing scalability. As such, it is no wonder why containerization and virtualization have become key components of modern DevOps practices.

Tools And Platforms Available For Containerization And Virtualization

When it comes to containerization and virtualization, there are a plethora of tools and platforms available for businesses and developers. Some of the most popular containerization tools include Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos. Docker is a widely used containerization platform that allows developers to package applications into containers, making it easy to deploy them across different environments. Kubernetes is another popular option that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Mesos is a flexible platform that allows developers to run multiple applications on a single cluster of servers.In terms of virtualization platforms, some of the most well-known options include VMware, Hyper-V, and VirtualBox. VMware offers a range of virtualization products that allow businesses to run multiple operating systems on a single physical server or host machine. Hyper-V is Microsoft's virtualization platform that provides similar functionality to VMware. VirtualBox is an open-source virtualization tool that allows users to create and manage virtual machines on their desktops.

Bottom Line

Both containerization and virtualization require careful planning and consideration of the specific needs of the DevOps environment in question. Successful implementation requires collaboration between developers, IT operations teams, and other stakeholders to ensure that all aspects of the process are optimized for maximum efficiency.

Start your career in Cloud Computing
May 11, 2023
11 mins

How to Build a Career in Cloud Computing 2023: Start your career with AWS


In today's fast-paced and tech-driven world, cloud computing has become one of the most sought-after career paths. With the growing demand for cloud computing jobs, more and more people are considering building their careers in this field. However, many individuals do not know where to begin their cloud computing journey. That's where Amazon Web Services (AWS) comes in. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can build a career in cloud computing with AWS

Step 1: Understanding Cloud Computing

Before you begin your cloud computing journey, it's essential to understand what cloud computing is and what are the different types.Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet, including storage, servers, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence. It provides users with access to these services from anywhere with an internet connection, making it a more convenient and cost-effective option than traditional computing.There are three main types of cloud computing services: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Each type offers different services and features, depending on the user's needs.Examples of cloud computing

  • Email: Many email services, such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Outlook, are cloud-based. These services allow users to access their emails and attachments from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • File Storage and Sharing: Cloud-based storage services, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive, allow users to store and share files in the cloud, making it easy to access and share files across devices and locations.
  • Social Media: Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, are all cloud-based applications that allow users to connect and share content from anywhere.

Step 2: Getting to know AWS

What is AWS cloud?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) Cloud is a collection of remote computing services provided by Amazon that allows businesses to run applications and services in a highly scalable and secure manner. It offers a comprehensive range of infrastructure and application services, including computing, storage, database, networking, analytics, mobile, developer tools, security, and enterprise applications, among others. It is also a rental service which allows users to pay only for what they use, which makes it more cost-effective rather than setting up the entire infrastructure

AWS Training

There are paid and free training courses available that you can start. The AWS training and certification offers a range of courses for individuals with different levels of cloud. These resources include online courses, webinars, whitepapers, and documentation. We at Consultadd also offer an AWS training program where you Learn Cloud Computing, AWS Fundamentals and Advanced Concepts. These courses cover a variety of topics, including AWS services, architecture, security, and operations.

Step 3: Choose Your Career Path

After gaining knowledge about cloud computing, it's essential to choose a career path in this field. AWS offers a range of job roles in cloud computing, including cloud architect, cloud developer, cloud operations engineer, and cloud security engineer. Each job role requires different skills and knowledge, so it's essential to choose a career path that matches your interests and strengths.

Step 4: Get Certified

AWS offers certification exams to help individuals validate their skills and knowledge in cloud computing. These certifications are recognized globally and can help individuals stand out in the job market. Certifications are available to individuals in a variety of fields, including AWS Cloud Practitioner, AWS Solutions Architect, AWS Developer, AWS SysOps Administrator, AWS DevOps Engineer so on and so forth.

Step 5: Gain Hands-on Experience

After gaining knowledge and certification, it's essential to gain hands-on experience in cloud computing. Individuals can gain hands-on experience by working on real-world projects, attending hackathons and meetups, and contributing to open-source projects.

Frequently asked Questions

How much do AWS Jobs Pay?

The pay for AWS jobs can vary depending on the specific role, location, level of experience, and other factors. However, in general, AWS jobs tend to offer competitive salaries due to the increasing demand for cloud computing skills. Here are some average salaries for common AWS jobs in the United States, according to data from Glassdoor and Payscale:

  • AWS Solutions Architect: $130,000 to $180,000 per year
  • AWS Cloud Engineer: $90,000 to $150,000 per year
  • AWS DevOps Engineer: $110,000 to $170,000 per year
  • AWS Developer: $95,000 to $135,000 per year
  • AWS Technical Account Manager: $115,000 to $160,000 per year

It's important to note that these figures are just averages and can vary widely depending on several factors, including the individual's experience, location, and the specific job requirements. It's always a good idea to research the market in your area and the specific job requirements to get a better idea of what to expect in terms of pay.

Does AWS Require Coding?

AWS (Amazon Web Services) offers a wide range of services that can be used to build and deploy applications, and some of these services may require coding skills. However, AWS itself does not necessarily require coding skills, as it is a cloud computing platform that can be used by developers, IT professionals, and businesses of all kinds.That being said, having coding skills can be highly beneficial for working with AWS, as many of the services, such as AWS Lambda or AWS Elastic Beanstalk, require some level of coding knowledge to set up and use effectively. Additionally, many AWS job roles, such as AWS Developer or AWS Solutions Architect, require coding skills as a core competency.While coding skills are not strictly required to work with AWS, they can be highly valuable for taking full advantage of the platform and pursuing careers in AWS-related fields. If you are interested in working with AWS, it is a good idea to at least have a basic understanding of programming languages such as Python or Java and some basic skills of shell scripting is an add on.

Is cloud computing a good career?

Yes, cloud computing is a rapidly growing field and can be a great career choice for those interestedin technology and innovation. Cloud computing has transformed the way businesses and organizations manage their IT infrastructure and services, leading to increased demand for professionals with cloud computing skills and experience.Overall, cloud computing can be a promising career path for those interested in technology and innovation, with a range of opportunities and advantages for those who develop the necessary skills and experience.

Where to start AWS Training?

There are several ways to start training for AWS (Amazon Web Services). Here are some steps you can take to begin your AWS training:

  • Explore the AWS website: AWS provides a range of free resources to help you learn about its services and offerings, including tutorials, whitepapers, documentations and blogs. Start by exploring the AWS website and reviewing the various services and solutions that are available. But keep in mind that using these services might cost you if used excessively.
  • Take online courses: There are many online courses available that cover AWS, including free and paid options. Some popular platforms for AWS training include Udemy, Coursera, and A Cloud Guru.
  • Participate in hands-on training: AWS offers a range of hands-on training options, including AWS Classroom Training, AWS Virtual Training, and AWS Bootcamps. These options provide hands-on experience working with AWS services in a guided environment.


Building a career in cloud computing requires dedication, time, and effort. However, with AWS's free training resources, individuals can gain the necessary skills and knowledge to kickstart their cloud computing journey. Understanding cloud computing, choosing a career path, getting certified, and gaining hands-on experience are essential steps to building a successful career in cloud computing. With the right mindset and determination, anyone can build a career in cloud computing with AWS's free training resources.

Become a good junior developer
May 9, 2023
11 mins

7 Qualities of a good Junior Developer


You have landed your first Junior Software Developer Job, and in a couple of weeks, you realize that you are behind the pack, have imposter syndrome, and don't know how to improve as a Developer. Worry not. You are not alone. Like every novice, you have to pick a few habits and stick to them, and soon you will realize the Sun is Shining, and you will hopefully never have to see the shadows.So now, let's look at a few fundamentals, tips, and secrets that will help you develop your resume for a Junior Software Developer

Step #1: You don't have to know everything.

There is no Junior Software Developer Job that requires you to be a full contributor until about six months. Usually, when a junior developer is hired, their aptitude is more important than their experience. They know you will not be a full contributor immediately. They are looking for someone who thinks the right way; they will teach you what you need to know.The first several months are simply spent teaching you how our architecture and millions of lines of code work. The fact that they are providing you with training is a plus! Why would they spend time and money training someone they do not believe has potential?  You don't need to be in panic mode and worry all the time.

Step #2: Select a path and follow it

There are multiple languages and frameworks that you can learn, these languages boost your resume for a junior software developer job. But trying to learn everything at once will make your learning process slow and messy. It is a relatively inefficient method of learning. Ideally, you should concentrate on one language at a time, pick a path or group of technologies, and stick to it. Learn JavaScript, CSS/HTML, and choose a framework if you want to be a front-end developer. Similarly, if you desire to be a Backend developer, pick a language and stick with it.Instead of jumping from one technology to another, narrowing your concentration and becoming a pro in one is a better and more effective learning approach.

Step#3 Ask Questions

Don't be afraid to ask questions. People are often hesitant to express inquiries for fear of embarrassing themselves in front of team members. In actuality, not asking questions will harm you since you will miss out on many opportunities for learning and growth. Always be inquisitive. It is the responsibility of senior developers to teach and guide. No one will think less of you or judge you for asking questions; if they do, the workplace is probably unhealthy. Many developers are enthusiastic about what they do and are often happy to share their skills or offer assistance.

Step#4: Keep up with what's going on in the industry.

Being up to date with the newest issues, modern technologies, or libraries will be beneficial for building a resume as a junior software developer. It is an excellent way to explore new tools for approaching a new functionality or project. You do not really have to master or attempt anything new, but you should be aware that they exist. You can inform your Seniors about the recent updates that they may have missed and build a relationship with them.And to acquire all of these updates, you can follow accounts on Twitter, listen to the latest podcasts, and subscribe to active tech newsletters which frequently share these latest updates and findings.

Step#5: Communicate

Restate your expectations to ensure they are clear. Give a status update when you discover anything is incorrect. When you violate or break a code, take immediate responsibility and do not blame others. Your superior or manager will be overjoyed. Set a time limit for how long you are willing to work on a problem before seeking assistance. These measures can help you identify a better solution that you may have overlooked or alert the entire team to a major problem that they may be able to prevent.

Step#6: Be Humble and keep your ego in check.

The opposite of having Impostor Syndrome is the Dunning-Kruger effect, which occurs when people are too confident in their abilities and think they know it all. A Junior developer with no experience, assuming he knows everything because he's fresh from school, is hard to like. Don't believe you already know everything. Don't strive to attract attention to demonstrate your knowledge. Everyone knows you're a freshman. They know how much you know and tailor your duties to reflect that. It is acceptable not to know everything and accept that you are here to learn, which is what being a Junior is.Nobody wants a junior developer with an enormous ego. The first step toward success is to leave your ego at the door. Thinking you know everything is the most consequential resistance to your progress, and you will not improve or evolve until you erase your ego.

Step#7: Exercise

As a developer, most of your day, you will be sitting, staring at the screen, trying to figure out the right way to solve a problem and whatnot. And if you won't keep a check on your health and body, it will undoubtedly catch up to you and affect your future. Having a healthy body has an overall positive impact on your career and life in general. You don't have to run marathons or Squat 250 lbs. You can do basic exercises every day or, maybe to your liking, run marathons and Squat 250 lbs; why not.


Also, remember getting a junior software developer job is easy, but it is the determination and hunger to learn that keeps you going. In between al the chaos you should also try to take some time off as well. Work can get heavy at times but taking leaves and doing other activities you enjoy will help you ease your mind. Besides that, as a novice, be persistent, do not subscribe to any philosophy or opinion dogmatically, and be humble.That's it. This is the end. We hope you find this blog useful and take something from it.

Internet pros and cons
April 10, 2023
11 mins

Connecting Everything with the Internet


"Hey, toaster, you've been feeling a little left out lately. Here, have some Wi-Fi. Now you can browse the latest bread recipes and tweet how crispy you are."And this is not the future, this is now!We've got smart homes, smart cars, smart fridges, and even smart toasters. All these smart devices, which are working on the internet are forming their smart ecosystem for us humans to lessen our robotic work so that we could allot our life to intellectual things. Which, humans are considered to be born.

The Pros: How IoT Is Revolutionizing The Very Way The World Is Functioning

The vast array of IoT devices makes it possible for us to benefit from many interconnected technologies that have the potential to improve our daily lives.

Increased Work Efficiency

From automating home chores to ensuring safety in public spaces, the IoT opens the doors for creating smart cities and smart homes. IoT has always helped us become more efficient and connected.From the implementation of IoT devices, they have always proved to be a reliable assistance to us humans. And hence, the applications of IoT have found their way into every field that humans are exposed to.

Reduced Human Employment Costs

Knowing the AI and IoT abilities will make us go "whoa"! However, understanding them will make us think about what our abilities as a human ought to be. Well, AIs are here to reduce human-robotic work. That which can be done by a bot should be left to a bot. No matter how efficiently humans can perform a bot task, humans are meant to under-perform their abilities and hence the AIs are employed to reduce human efforts. Also, AIs and IoT devices require lesser maintenance costs than humans demand to maintain their livelihood. Hence, applications of IoT and AI have largely saved the purpose by efficiently reducing the cost.

Bettering Life Quality In Every Way

Imagine a field, a device, or an application that’s existing today without an AI or IoT and is yet functioning effectively. Within less than a decade, technologies like AI and IoT have made their way into our day-to-day lives.At present, there are 100 million devices connected across the internet to work in coordination, seamlessly and flawlessly. Individuals and organizations are together accepting and encouraging this internet connectivity because of its trait of making our lives easier and better.

The Cons: Why We Should Be Concerned

IoT Connectivity Affects The Environment and Health Largely

When it comes to cons, health is always an attribute of concern despite any technology’s merits. IoT is a Network of Physical Devices that Connect Through Wireless Technology and hence it requires communication through radiation continually. This has been raising the issues of IoT impacting the environment and health largely. Reports and studies are mentioning, IoT accesses and interfaces through radioactive radiation that causes threats to the environment and health. The radioactive and communication technologies include RFID, WiFi, Bluetooth, Wireless Sensor Devices, and other real-time tracking devices.

IoT is NOT Monitored or Supervised By Any Human

While zero human intervention and interpretation is considered the largest merit of the IoT ecosystem, which is at the same time considered the biggest threat too. Debates are happening on the dependency on IoT devices and there are several questions raised on the ethics of the same. The capability of IoT devices and ecosystem needs to be improved in deciding the privacy limit. There are concerns raised where people have experienced getting ad notifications for the products/services that they have just discussed with their family and friends. This is because IoT sensors are found to record people’s voices and process them. No matter how smart these devices are getting, at last, they are things and not real humans. And hence, there’s still doubt about to what extent could we be dependent on the internet of things.

Security Risks That Hackers May Exploit To Cause Severe Damage

The internet connectivity of everything that is around us has not hampered our privacy, but these things are having our data of banks and personal information. Hackers are introducing us to new spam every single day. As technology is getting stronger and smarter; so are the hackers. The risk of losing our data and access to things is the largest as of today. Our computers are PCs, and our mobiles are of course personal ones; but with IoT, even our homes are shaping to become personal ones. However, the threat of stilling the data is constant on all the devices that are getting smart. Cyber security and cyber laws are becoming more effective and yet there’s no guarantee that these devices are cent percent reliable.

Bottom Line

We need to be careful not to let our refrigerators start posting selfies though. We don't need any more influencers out there. Some people get excited at the thought of smart fridges and self-driving cars, while others worry about their things controlling them as if their senses weren't enough already!When the bots and the internet eventually take over, at least they'll be able to coordinate seamlessly. However, the more devices we connect to the internet the more vulnerable we become to the ethical implications of IoT. As the boons of IoT are beyond our imaginations, so are its banes.