
A guy looking for coding challenges on a desktop|best coding challenges
January 23, 2023
11 mins

8 Best Coding Challenges to Build Your Skills in 2023


As a programmer, you want to be a specialist. But have you ever thought about how someone may be regarded as a proficient coder?So, let's say a guy wants to be the best racer. Can he achieve this by only practicing? Not at all; all he needs to do is prove himself, defeat the opposition, and win the battle. Similarly, if you want to be the best software programmer or the best software developer, you must overcome obstacles and demonstrate your programming abilities. Competitive programming and coding competitions are the best approach to do so.Best Coding Challenges or contests allow you to assess your skills and competency while also allowing you to compare yourself to other programmers from around the world. Aside from that, the participating programmers are offered a variety of scholarships, prizes, jobs, and internships.These coding challenges are held on a regular basis by a number of platforms (or websites). Below is a list of the top 7 Coding Challenges websites, along with a brief description.

1) The ACM-ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest

The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) was founded in 1970 at Texas A&M University and is one of the best coding challenges a budding software developer can participate in. The Alpha Chapter of the UPE Computer Science Honor Society hosted the event. The competition promotes creativity, collaboration, and invention in developing new software programs, as well as allowing students to put their abilities to perform under pressure to the test. Simply said, it is the world's oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming competition.

2) TopCoder

TopCoder is quickly establishing itself as the premier programming competition league. TopCoder members compete online once a week (Single Round Match) and twice a year both online and on location (Tournaments). Their annual programming and design competition is known as the Top Coder Open (TCO).TopCoder users are very good competitive programmers who compete in the best coding competitions on a regular basis. The TopCoder community like software developers or software programmers takes on challenges from some of the world's most well-known companies, including IMB, Google, and eBay.

3) International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)

One of the most well-known competitive programming competitions is the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). From 1977 to 2017, however, ICPC was hosted under the auspices of ACM and was known as ACM-ICPC. The ICPC events are team competitions, and each team must consist of three students representing their university, according to the rules. Local Contests, Regional Contests, Regional Championships, and the World Finals are among the competitive levels offered by the ICPC. The ICPC regionals begin each year with local competitions among classmates to choose who will represent their university, and the final regional challenge determines which teams will advance to the World Finals.

4) Coding Competition by Google

Google Code Jam is an annual programming competition in which contestants are given a set amount of time to solve challenging algorithmic challenges. Programmers are free to use any programming language they like. This competition begins online, where programmers can practice solving tasks from previous years.Google Hash Code is a global best-coding competition for teams of students and professional software developers. The top teams will then be invited to the Final Round at a Google office.Google Kick Start is a worldwide online coding competition that features three-hour rounds of algorithmic challenges created by Google developers. These competitions take place throughout the year, and winners may be invited to an interview at Google.

5) BME International 24-hour Programming Contest

Challenge 24 is an international 24-hour programming competition. The most essential aspect of this competition is that contestants can use their own computers. This allows individuals to work in the atmosphere that is most comfortable for them.Operating systems, development tools, and programming platforms are also unrestricted. Only the top 30 teams are invited to the 'real' BME Challenge 24, which takes place in Budapest, Hungary. This competition is organized by the Hungarian Association of Electrical Engineering Students.

6) The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

In 2020, the International Obfuscated C Code Contest will celebrate its 25th anniversary. The contest can be entered via email or online. All you have to do is follow the guidelines and write the most obscure or obfuscated ANSI C programs in less than 4096 characters.

7) Code Forces

Codeforces is a Russian website that offers competitive programming tournaments in which a large number of competitive coders fight against each other from all over the world. Codeforces contests allow you to write solutions to challenges that are tested during the competition. The software developer or software programmer who passes that set of solution tests gets the chance to look over the sources of other contenders, look for errors, and suggest tests where these solutions don't work. As a result, you can hack or challenge other people's answers to get points. The solutions that pass the pretests and have not been hacked or challenged are then tested on the final set of tests following the contest.

8) Microsoft Imagine Cup

The Microsoft Imagine Cup has been running for nearly two decades. This program challenges participants to tackle real-world problems submitted by IGOs, NGOs, and non-profits, which they can subsequently tackle as part of the Imagine Cup project. Then, as you design solutions that have the potential to alter the world, put your ideas into action.The Imagine Cup winner will receive cash prizes, an Azure Grant, and a mentoring session with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer. The 2022 Imagine Cup will mark the 20th anniversary of the competition, and students can submit ideas in the areas of Earth, Education, Health, and Lifestyle.


Programming necessitates a great deal of patience. Begin competing in various programming competitions and gradually enhance your skills. Showcase your rating on your CV to increase your chances of securing a job at a top tech firm.With all that said, if you have just started coding, then the initial step would be to practice your code immensely before jumping into a competition to be a skilled software programmer.You can also get in touch with us for a free career consultation or take part in our Free IT training programs.

how to become a Successful Backend Developer written over it|Coding Jobs in USA
January 3, 2023
11 mins

How to Become a Backend Developer in 2023


Do you know that, on average, a Backend developer in US makes $133,000 yearly? It is one of the highest-paying developer roles in the world. Maybe you are in for the passion. Maybe your passion is the $ itself, or maybe you are bored and just want to learn something new.Irrespective of your cause, this blog introduces Backend development and guides you on how to become a Backend developer.

#Step 1: What is Backend Development?

Knowing what duties fall under "How to become a Backend Developer" is a major confusion for newcomers. Also, how does it vary from Frontend Development?Let’s address the query.When you visit a website, everything you see and interact with is part of Frontend development also referred to as client-side or browser-side development. It covers how the content is present on the website, including minor user interfaces elements like menus, dropdowns, transitions, and models.On the other hand, Backend Development deals with code that runs on the server. It is all the behind-the-scenes stuff that happens on the servers that the user never sees and focuses on securing and managing the data. The quality of the user experiences a website provides depends on Backend programming.For example, a Backend developer would write the code that interacts with the database to get a list of images, and the Frontend dev. would write the code that displays the photos in a gallery with a slideshow.Handling Website design, building templates, CSS, HTML, javascript, etc., are generally considered Frontend. Working with Databases, APIs, web development, PHP, and related languages are all considered Back end.

#Step 2: Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of a Backend Developer

With Backend, Power comes responsibilities. Let’s look at some of the roles and responsibilities of a Backend Developer:

  • Supporting existing Backend.
  • Creating and maintaining web applications with clean codes.
  • Working with Frontend Developers to define goals and integrate user-facing aspects with server-side logic.
  • Developing and Maintaining APIs.
  • Management of hosting environments.
  • QA testing.
  • Troubleshooting and fixing bugs.
  • Development of site architecture using appropriate methodologies.

#Step 3: Learning Backend Development

Everyone starts somewhere, don’t worry if you’ve never coded before. Here is a roadmap on how you can become a Backend Developer.Here are the steps you will need to follow:

  • Learning the fundamentals of the Web

Understanding the fundamentals of the Web is essential. Get familiar with HTTP, DNS, Browsers, Domain, Hosting, etc., and understand how they work.

  • Basic Frontend Development

It’s important to know how Frontend development works. Knowing even the basics can help ease your process of mastering and understanding Backend development.You can start by learning CSS and HTML.

  • Learning a Programming Language

Knowing how to code is essential for a Backend developer. Choose a programming language and learn the fundamentals of programming language:

  • Variables
  • Functions objects
  • Data types
  • Core principles of OOPS
  • Execution.

Some Popular Programming Languages for Backend Development are JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, and C#.

#Step 4: Learning a Backend Framework

A framework is a well-organized collection of tools and libraries that assist you in accomplishing tasks in a specified manner, sometimes with less code.For example, if you’ve built websites with PHP and MySQL, you’ve probably worked with SQL queries to retrieve data from a database. You can use frameworks to query databases without having to write SQL queries. So, learning a framework will help you develop Backend applications faster.There are several Frameworks available. You can choose a framework depending on the programming language.Some popular Backend frameworks are Node.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, and Laravel.

#Step 5: Databases

A database is a system for classifying and storing data.There are two types of Databases.SQL - SQL databases store the data in tables.SQL databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite.NoSQL - NoSQL databases store data in a document.NoSQL databases: MongoDB, CouchDB, DynamoDB.Developers like to argue about SQL and NoSql and which is better, but it’s like arguing about Coke and Pepsi. They’re both good for different reasons, and in many cases, either will do.

#Step 6: APIs

Application Programming Interface. It allows you to access the data from another application and is a way for applications to communicate with each other.A Backend with API helps developers to interact with Backend services and applications, which helps them improve the user experience on the website. Some of the APIs to learn are: REST, JSON, AES, GSON, SOAP, XML-RPC.

#Step 7: Advanced Topics

Once you understand the programming language, frameworks, databases, and APIs, you get a good understanding. You will come to advanced topics like Hashing, Caching, Web Security, Web servers, Rate Limiting, Backend Testing, etc. Learning never stops. And it should never stop. Learning is a continuous process, especially in web development.

Level Up

After you’ve finished all these steps, it’s time for practice. Being a good developer takes time; getting used to languages, frameworks, concepts, etc., doesn’t happen overnight.Learn by doing. Start developing projects on your own. Nothing will improve you as a developer than building a project from scratch.

Get a Job

Get a Job or an internship. Depending on your command, that can be an entry-level job or an advanced position. You will gain experience on real projects backed by an organization which is ideal for a new learner.

There you go. You are a Backend Developer now.

Soon you will have the confidence and proficiency with Backend development. Now depending on your goals, you can become a freelancer. Or build personal projects. Or continue working for an organization. We wish you all the luck!

Want to Kick start your career? We’ve got you covered! Connect with our team now.

Concurrency and Parallelism in Python|Concurrency and Parallelism
January 3, 2023
11 mins

What is Concurrency and Parallelism in Python


Suppose you are familiar with coding in the Python programming language. In that case, there must have been many instances where you just wanted to speed up the entire process by executing multiple tasks at once or by interleaving numerous tasks. Both approaches are possible in Python and are known as Concurrency and Parallelism.There are two extents to which you can speed up your processes – I/O and CPU Consumption. If your code involves a lot of files accessing and similar repetitive tasks, it is I/O bound. On the other hand, if your code includes a lot of heavy computations, it is indeed CPU bound.Both types of tasks differ in terms of the resources they require. When an I/O bound code is running, it is not using the CPU’s core that much because it is sitting idle waiting for the responses to be received. We cannot improve this process by adding more computational power. The reverse is the same for CPU-bound code.To remove either of the bottlenecks, we use two mechanisms, i.e., Concurrency & Parallelism.

Concurrency v/s Parallelism

Concurrency means doing multiple things at once. However, Concurrency takes up a slightly different approach in python programming. Concurrency in Python is managing alternate jobs at the same time. It means that the python runtime executes not all jobs or tasks at once; instead, they alternate to achieve optimum efficiency. Concurrency involves multiple tasks taking turns accessing the shared resources.While, on the other hand, Parallelism does mean that multiple jobs or tasks are executed simultaneously by the python runtime. In Parallelism execution, several tasks are allowed to run side-by-side on independently partitioned resources.Concurrency and Parallelism both have different aims and solutions that they bring to the table. Concurrency’s goal is to prevent various tasks from blocking by switching among them while waiting on an external resource. To achieve Concurrency, the Python runtime completes multiple network requests.Usually, when the user launches one request, it takes time to finish, which is the waiting period, and then the next one is launched. A concurrent way of doing this is to launch all requests simultaneously and switch among them as we get the responses.Contrastingly, Parallelism maximizes the hardware used. For example, if you have eight cores in your CPU, you do not want to maximize on one while the other seven cores sit idle; you would like to launch processes that utilize all eight cores at once.

Implementing Concurrency & Parallelism in Python

Python permits the usage of both Concurrency and Parallelism with its syntaxes and uses cases. In Python, Concurrency is implemented by threading and coroutines, or async. And Parallelism by Multiprocessing.Let’s have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of all three methods:

Python Threading

Threading helps you create multiple threads across which you can distribute I/O bound workload. One noteworthy thing about threading is that it does not work the same way it works in other programming languages like Java. For example, Java’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) ensures that only one thread is in processing at a time and memory usage is thread-safe.Advantages of Python ThreadsThreads in Python are a convenient and well-understood way of running tasks that waits on other resources. Apart from this, Python’s standard libraries have high-level conveniences for running operations in threads.Disadvantages of Python ThreadsPython threads are cooperative, which means that the Python runtime divides its attention between them. As a result, Threads are not suitable for a task that is CPU intensive because if we run a CPU intensive task in threads, the runtime will pause it while switching to a different thread so, there is no performance benefit overrunning that task outside of the thread.Another disadvantage of using threads in Python is that the developer needs to manage the state between them. We must manually synchronize different threads to expect the desired results, an overly complex task.

Python coroutines, or async

Coroutines or async is an alternate method of running tasks simultaneously in Python. Instead of using multiple threads, coroutines use special programming constructs and all the tasks run on a single thread.Advantages of Python coroutinesWith Coroutines, you can quickly tell which programs are running side by side by looking at the syntax. With threads, this is not possible; any function might be running in a thread.Another advantage of Coroutines is that they are free from architectural limitations faced by threads. Switching between many coroutines in a program is easy and requires less memory than threads.Disadvantages of Python coroutineWriting code for Python coroutines is a little complex as it requires the programmer to write it in its distinct syntax, making its mingling impossible with synchronous code design-wise. Using coroutines can be a little tricky for programmers who are not used to writing their code asynchronously. Also, you cannot run CPU-intensive tasks side by side efficiently.

Python Multiprocessing

Multiprocessing in Python allows us to run numerous CPU-intensive tasks simultaneously by launching multiple, independent copies of Python runtime. Multiprocessing leverages each core in your CPU by creating a python interpreter for each process.Advantages of Python MultiprocessingMultiprocessing is better than async or threading because it sidelines their limitation of the python runtime forcing all the operations to run serially by giving each process a separate python runtime and an entire CPU core.Disadvantages of Python MultiprocessingThe first downside of Python Multiprocessing is the additional overhead associated with creating the processes. Another downside is that each subprocess requires a copy of data sent from the primary process.

Best Method to use

If you are dealing with long-running, CPU-intensive operations, use multiprocessing. If you are dealing with long-running, CPU-intensive operations, use multiprocessing.On the other hand, if you perform functions that do not involve CPU but wait on external resources, use threading or async. Async is favorable to threads for long-running IO operations. And, if your IO-bound operations are fast, go with multi-threading.As of today, Python programming language is the most preferred language for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Web Development, and DevOps.Hope you found this blog useful. Cheers and good luck with your future.

Want to kickstart your career as Python Developer? We at Consultadd are investors in people and have got you covered!

Connect with our team now and start your career as a Python Developer.

Most in demand software engineering skills|In-Demand Software Engineering Skills
January 3, 2023
11 mins

10 Most In-Demand Software Engineering Skills in 2023


Upskilling is the only way to stay ahead of the competition as technology advances at a breakneck pace. In the computer field, software engineers understand this and the importance of acquiring new languages and skills on a regular basis.Learning the most in-demand software engineering skills can improve their competence in their profession, which leads to a boost in their career and greater job chances. But the real question is: which of these software engineer talents will lead to more job opportunities? If you’ve been asking yourself this question, you’ve come to the correct place.In this blog, we’ll review the top ten most in-demand, fast-growing skills software engineers should study to improve their job prospects.

1. Azure

Azure is a cloud platform that can be used to host and enhance both existing and new applications and is one of the most in-demand software engineering skills. It has strong storage capabilities and can be used to create hybrid apps.Some of the abilities you’ll need to become an Azure developer are:

  • Integration testing of individual units.
  • Prototyping and software development.
  • Application scaling for quality assurance.
  • Working knowledge of web applications and database components is a plus.

2. Kubernetes

If you work in IT, you’ve most likely heard of Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an open-source platform that has become the fastest-growing software engineer talent.It’s no surprise that the number of job posts requiring Kubernetes expertise has exploded in the last half-decade. Kubernetes is an extensible and portable open-source container that allows you to deploy containers to a scalable cluster and manage containerized application orchestration.

3. Kafta

Kafka, or Apache Kafka (as it is commonly known), is an open-source framework developed by the Apache Software Foundation that allows businesses to manage real-time data efficiently. It is designed in the Scala programming language and is extremely useful for data management and real-time analytics in distributed applications.Low latency, ability to handle big quantities, scalability, and data splitting are just a few of the properties that make it a strong choice for data integration, website activity tracking, stream processing, and operational metrics.

4. Redux

Another most in-demand software engineering skill is redux. It’s a dependable container for Javascript-based programs. Developers can use Redux to create applications that have consistent behavior, can run in a variety of contexts, and can be readily tested.Redux is a programming tool that handles the data displayed to users and its reaction to interface instructions. It was created to make the building and maintenance of Interface Programming Applications (IPAs) easier.

5. Docker

Docker containers allow software developers to package and distribute all of the application’s contents in one package. It’s an important talent for software engineers, and learning it could open up many doors for you.This program can also be used on Linux workstations without the need for installation. Developers and system administrators utilize it. Docker is an excellent skill for developers to learn because it allows them to concentrate on building code rather than worrying about the environment in which it is deployed.System administrators should understand Docker because it has a smaller footprint and reduced overhead, reducing the number of computers required for application deployment.

6. React.js

If you’re a JavaScript developer, React.js is a great talent to master because recruiters are increasingly looking for people who have it.React.js is a JavaScript library with a simple, interactive, and user-friendly interface that requires little programming. It allows developers to create scalable and manageable online applications, which is one of the main reasons for the skill’s increasing demand.

7. AWS (Amazon Web Services)

AWS by Amazon is a continually expanding cloud computing platform that offers a mix of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and packaged software as a service (PaaS) offerings.AWS, the world’s most widely used cloud platform, has millions of clients and delivers more than 200 services from multiple data centers.AWS is simple to use, offers a wide range of tools, offers infinite server capacity, and offers a number of other advantages to its users. As a result, there is an increase in the need for AWS engineers who design, maintain, and evolve AWS cloud infrastructure to ensure that applications work smoothly.

8. Jenkins

One more in-demand software engineer skill that is sweeping the business is Jenkins. You can use Jenkins to build up CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Deployment), lowering the risks associated with software development and delivery.You can get instant feedback, perform tests, and create artifacts because of its speedy speed. Jenkins has wreaked havoc on operational procedures and software.

9. Ansible

Ansible is an open-source automation solution for activities including app deployment, intra-service orchestration, provisioning, and configuration management in the IT world.By managing developer jobs and allowing them to focus attention and deliver value, Ansible may help simplify complicated procedures and increase efficiency.

10. Spark

Apache Spark is one of the most widely used data science programming tools. Spark, which is written in the Scala programming language, assists businesses in generating and analyzing large amounts of data in order to gain insights for day-to-day operations.Spark supports a variety of programming languages, including Java, Scala, R, and Python, making it simple to comprehend for software developers.It’s the next big thing in data processing, and it’s a great way for developers to advance their careers.Learning this can lead to a variety of job opportunities and a more focused professional path. We’re confident that after learning about most in-demand software engineering skills, you’ve identified several that you like and will be upskilling soon. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as being too old to learn something new. Allow this to be your calling to develop!Best wishes!

Six Steps to get a Job
January 3, 2023
11 mins

The Six Proven Steps to Get your dream Job in 2023


The search for a new job can be intimidating but worry not. Companies and recruiters are always on the lookout for candidates who fill in and do the required job. Still, it takes a lot of self-awareness, dedication, and innovation to land your desired job. You’ll need the right talents, personal branding, and qualifications to secure a job. To help you in your quest, we’ve put together a list of ideas and procedures along with the 6 Proven Steps to take to get a job to assist you with your search. Let us look at them.

1. Work on your Resume

Recruiters judge who you are by looking at your resume. It indicates how much value you’ll provide to a company, what you’re good at, and what challenges you’ve addressed in the past. List your professional experience, accomplishments, and skills, among other things. If you don’t have any professional experience to talk about, think about the abilities you have acquired elsewhere. Include other attributes about yourself, such as languages, hobbies, and career objectives. Ensure that your resume is simple to read and understand. Keep your resume to a minimum and avoid using uneven formatting. Also, if you’re applying for different jobs, make sure you have a distinct resume for each one.

2. Make a Professional Online brand.

Because most modern job searches are handled online, social media is one of the most powerful steps to getting a job. With social media, you can better understand the employment market. You can search for opportunities, join networks, and investigate topics of interest. While a resume is critical during recruiting, recruiters are increasingly observing your internet presence. Make sure your social media accounts reflect the type of person you believe your future employer wants to hire. LinkedIn should be a top focus for job hunters. Create a LinkedIn profile. Include your professional experience and qualifications, and keep it updated and exciting.

3. Look for Job listings.

Examine the most popular job search engines, job banks, and specialist employment sites, such as Monster, Linkedin, and Indeed. Some platforms are more suited to certain types of work than others. Determine which employment portals are currently popular in your line of work and filter out the positions you’re looking for. You can also subscribe for daily job alerts by identifying two to three job boards you like. This option will send you a daily list of new postings right to your inbox, allowing you to save time. Also, if you want to work for a specific company, visit their website frequently to look for job vacancies.

4. Networking

Getting a job is typically more accessible when you know someone who works there and this makes networking a powerful step in getting a job. The more people you know, the more likely you will find a job. Make an effort to connect with others whenever possible. It’s a fantastic method to network with professionals in your chosen field. With serious effort, almost anyone can become a valuable career connection. There are many ways you can connect with people. You can meet individuals online, join industry groups, attend local events, and connect with your old classmates or peers on LinkedIn or other social networking sites.

5. Prepare for the Interview

When you’ve decided on a job, applied for it, and received an interview invite, it’s time to get ready. By preparing for an interview in advance, you can impress the interviewer better. Look over the job description and note any specific qualities or skills they are looking for in candidates. Find out about the company’s history, mission, and values. Prepare a good Self Introduction. Practice how you’ll respond to some common inquiries and Technical Questions. And when the interviewer asks if you have any questions, you’ll want to be ready with a few solid ones. It will make a positive impression on the interviewer.

6. Do not get discouraged

You may land your dream role within the first couple of interviews you give, or you might fail early on. It can be a lengthy process. Your application has to get the attention of busy hiring managers, and you are not the only one applying for the role. Rejections are hard, and they are going to be frustrating at times, especially if you feel the interview went well. But the more effort you put in, your chances of getting that interview are greater. Keep your head up, and remember that nothing worthwhile happens overnight. Instead of being frustrated and discouraged, focus on what you could have done better. The Sun will shine.Follow these essential steps to get a job and soon you will find yourself landing your dream role.And if you are looking to Kick start your career in any programming language? We at Consultadd provide Free Consultation! Connect with our team now.

Stand out in a Full-Stack Developer Interview|Stand out in a Full Stack Developer Interview
January 3, 2023
11 mins

How to Prepare for a Full Stack Developer Interview in 2023


In full-stack technologies, technical interviews are the final barrier for most full-stack software developers before accepting a job offer. Each stage of the hiring process serves a specific purpose: phone screens determine general fit. Interpersonal skills are assessed through behavioral interviews. A full-stack developer interview assesses how well your programming talents meet the firm's needs and the post's duties.Fortunately, things have altered dramatically in recent years. Instead of the old-school Google brain puzzles (such as “How many golf balls could fit in this room? “), You’re more likely to get a take-home assignment or have a collaborative conversation if you whiteboard “Hello, World!” in 10 languages. These are assessments that more closely mimic the kind of work you’d be doing if hired in your full-stack developer interview round.Interviewers are rooting for you to succeed. Hiring you allows them to return to their real occupations, the organization becomes more productive, and everyone benefits financially and professionally.

Get the valuable basics right for the interview

Interviews are about demonstrating what you can do, rather than telling someone what you can accomplish.

Step #1: Be prepared for the Interview

The plan should be the same no matter what your interviewer asks you; understand the problem, design a solution, explain it, and implement it. To put it another way, being a good engineer is the greatest way to prepare for your interview.That isn’t to say you shouldn’t prepare for a technical interview with some homework. Begin by looking through the company’s stack. If it’s a Ruby shop, you should be familiar with the language. Use StackShare and any company-owned public GitHub repositories to determine what languages and libraries they use.

Step #2: Be Presentable

Dress comfortably and professionally whether you attend the office or video chat in from home. If your shoes are too tight or you’re concerned about a sloppy collar, you won’t be able to think clearly.Once you’ve started, remember that if you freeze up, make a mistake, or don’t know an answer, you can just be honest and admit it. Don’t be concerned about wasting time or seeming stupid. If you need a moment to think, take it and then rejoin the conversation.Discuss the issue with your interviewer, ask questions, and reconsider your strategy. This is similar to showing your work on a test for half credit, and it can help you out.

How to Prepare for (and Ace) 4 Types of Technical Challenges

Not every full-stack developer interview is conducted in person. Some of these don’t even require coding. It all depends on the business and the position.Each of the four types of examinations analyses various skills you’ll need on the job, so you’ll need to approach and prepare for each one separately.1. Exercise in Live CodingThe classic technical interview looks like this: Within 30 or 40 minutes, you will have written working code.If you’re given some faulty code, for example, you’ll need to find the bug, fix it, pass the test suite, and then explain what you did. You’ll most likely be requested to modify something minor in this type of technique, which is popular among Test-Driven Development (TDD) teams. It’s basically a duo programming activity. Your interviewer may be present in the room with you or participate by video chat from afar. You’re unlikely to have access to your ideal development environment, which adds to the stress. You could have to work with a limited Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or a strange laptop.Even if you can’t fix the bug, your method is important. When you’re stuck, ask questions and explain your strategy to the interviewer.2. Homework AssignmentTake-home tests provide all of the advantages of the real world, including access to Google, Stack Overflow, and your own computer, while still assessing your programming abilities. You prepare for them in the same way that you would for live coding, but you’ll deliver your work in a different way.For instance, you might be requested to read a brief product specification and develop a Sudoku validator with a test suite. You’ll organize a meeting to present your work after you’ve submitted your code. Validating Sudoku boards isn’t tough, but how you do it reveals a lot about how you think about problems, follow directions, and interpret criteria.Companies usually give you a set amount of time to complete your take-home assignment, whether it’s a deadline (present your code within three or four days) or a time limit (complete the task in no more than 4 hours). Give yourself time to evaluate and modify your work in either situation, just as you would if you were writing a critical report or sending a private email.Remember that there is no “correct” method to solve a problem, however, the interviewer may be interested in your knowledge of specific ideas and will likely inquire about them throughout the interview.3. Design ProblemPractical exams include live coding and take-home tasks, but theoretical tests are also popular. That’s where having a whiteboard comes in handy.You’ll be given some broad boundary conditions (for example, make it web-based and text-only) and an initial prompt, such as “What kinds of data will you need to manage and how would you model it?” You’ll have to design something—perhaps a messaging application—and you’ll be given some broad boundary conditions (for example, make it web-based and text-only Your interviewer may gradually broaden the scope of your questions, asking you to consider the interface, networking, and refactoring as you progress from a simple notion to a full-fledged software, based on your responses.4. Trivia ContestIt doesn’t matter if you have 10 months or 10 years of experience at some companies—all it’s about is the fundamentals. And nothing is more fundamental than computer science knowledge.“What is bigO notation and why does it matter?” can be a conceptual inquiry. or “How would you recursively implement this program?” for inquiries regarding a particular language I’d recommend brushing up on the current ECMAScript release features and browser oddities if you’re interviewing for a job writing JavaScript, for example.Smaller businesses, where the tech stack is limited and new workers must hit the ground running, are the most likely to have language-specific queries. This can be difficult if you’re new to the language, but as Juan Müller, lead engineer at Greenhouse, points out, “what interviewers are looking for is your ability to reason about code, even if you’re not prolific in the language in which you’re being tested.” Most languages will use similar constructs, and logic will remain constant.”


If you have more experience, your full-stack developer interview will have a slightly different purpose. Employers will look at how adaptable you are, how current your abilities are, and how well you fit in with the team.Although uncomfortable, a brief technical interview—in whatever shape it takes—can spare you and your employer months of frustration due to misaligned expectations. So figure out what kind of obstacle you’re up against, do your homework, go in confidently, use what you’ve studied and prepared for, and leave knowing you gave it you’re all!