
7 Qualities of a good Junior Developer

May 9, 2023
11 mins
Become a good junior developer

You have landed your first Junior Software Developer Job, and in a couple of weeks, you realize that you are behind the pack, have imposter syndrome, and don't know how to improve as a Developer. Worry not. You are not alone. Like every novice, you have to pick a few habits and stick to them, and soon you will realize the Sun is Shining, and you will hopefully never have to see the shadows.So now, let's look at a few fundamentals, tips, and secrets that will help you develop your resume for a Junior Software Developer

Step #1: You don't have to know everything.

There is no Junior Software Developer Job that requires you to be a full contributor until about six months. Usually, when a junior developer is hired, their aptitude is more important than their experience. They know you will not be a full contributor immediately. They are looking for someone who thinks the right way; they will teach you what you need to know.The first several months are simply spent teaching you how our architecture and millions of lines of code work. The fact that they are providing you with training is a plus! Why would they spend time and money training someone they do not believe has potential?  You don't need to be in panic mode and worry all the time.

Step #2: Select a path and follow it

There are multiple languages and frameworks that you can learn, these languages boost your resume for a junior software developer job. But trying to learn everything at once will make your learning process slow and messy. It is a relatively inefficient method of learning. Ideally, you should concentrate on one language at a time, pick a path or group of technologies, and stick to it. Learn JavaScript, CSS/HTML, and choose a framework if you want to be a front-end developer. Similarly, if you desire to be a Backend developer, pick a language and stick with it.Instead of jumping from one technology to another, narrowing your concentration and becoming a pro in one is a better and more effective learning approach.

Step#3 Ask Questions

Don't be afraid to ask questions. People are often hesitant to express inquiries for fear of embarrassing themselves in front of team members. In actuality, not asking questions will harm you since you will miss out on many opportunities for learning and growth. Always be inquisitive. It is the responsibility of senior developers to teach and guide. No one will think less of you or judge you for asking questions; if they do, the workplace is probably unhealthy. Many developers are enthusiastic about what they do and are often happy to share their skills or offer assistance.

Step#4: Keep up with what's going on in the industry.

Being up to date with the newest issues, modern technologies, or libraries will be beneficial for building a resume as a junior software developer. It is an excellent way to explore new tools for approaching a new functionality or project. You do not really have to master or attempt anything new, but you should be aware that they exist. You can inform your Seniors about the recent updates that they may have missed and build a relationship with them.And to acquire all of these updates, you can follow accounts on Twitter, listen to the latest podcasts, and subscribe to active tech newsletters which frequently share these latest updates and findings.

Step#5: Communicate

Restate your expectations to ensure they are clear. Give a status update when you discover anything is incorrect. When you violate or break a code, take immediate responsibility and do not blame others. Your superior or manager will be overjoyed. Set a time limit for how long you are willing to work on a problem before seeking assistance. These measures can help you identify a better solution that you may have overlooked or alert the entire team to a major problem that they may be able to prevent.

Step#6: Be Humble and keep your ego in check.

The opposite of having Impostor Syndrome is the Dunning-Kruger effect, which occurs when people are too confident in their abilities and think they know it all. A Junior developer with no experience, assuming he knows everything because he's fresh from school, is hard to like. Don't believe you already know everything. Don't strive to attract attention to demonstrate your knowledge. Everyone knows you're a freshman. They know how much you know and tailor your duties to reflect that. It is acceptable not to know everything and accept that you are here to learn, which is what being a Junior is.Nobody wants a junior developer with an enormous ego. The first step toward success is to leave your ego at the door. Thinking you know everything is the most consequential resistance to your progress, and you will not improve or evolve until you erase your ego.

Step#7: Exercise

As a developer, most of your day, you will be sitting, staring at the screen, trying to figure out the right way to solve a problem and whatnot. And if you won't keep a check on your health and body, it will undoubtedly catch up to you and affect your future. Having a healthy body has an overall positive impact on your career and life in general. You don't have to run marathons or Squat 250 lbs. You can do basic exercises every day or, maybe to your liking, run marathons and Squat 250 lbs; why not.


Also, remember getting a junior software developer job is easy, but it is the determination and hunger to learn that keeps you going. In between al the chaos you should also try to take some time off as well. Work can get heavy at times but taking leaves and doing other activities you enjoy will help you ease your mind. Besides that, as a novice, be persistent, do not subscribe to any philosophy or opinion dogmatically, and be humble.That's it. This is the end. We hope you find this blog useful and take something from it.

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